Holiday Toy Drive

Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry is kicking off the holiday season with a local toy drive and we need your help!

Toy Drive flyer 2017- SFK 1.JPG

We’ll be collecting new, unwrapped toys and clothing through Friday, December 22nd at our office. These items will be shared with the children at the Oncology Ward at the Texas Children’s Hospital in Katy. Below is a list of the items on the “wish list”.

Toy Drive flyer 2017- SFK 2.JPG

Please keep in mind they kindly asked us NOT to gift gently used stuffed animals or beanie babies, sporting equipment, toy guns, makeup/lotion, religious items, edible or glass items.

We thank you for teaming with Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry to make a child’s holiday season brighter! Please don’t forget that we’re open the week before the holidays when the kiddos are out of school. Call soon to make your appointment. These spots are filling up fast! We can’t wait to catch up with all of you!

Dr. Jadav

Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry