Office Contests
We have many fun and engaging contests for our patients each month. Please check our office and online for more information!
Our Spring Contest Has Begun!
Count the gold coins in the jar! If you are the closest guess, then you will win a special prize!!
The contest ends March 28th. Good luck!!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for February!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Hunter W!
Brush, floss and drink lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for January!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Brush, floss and drink lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Winter Contest Winner!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Winter Contest!
Our winner is Hess! Congratulations!! Be on the lookout for your prize!
Also a big congrats to Stefanie, Jamie and Sara for decorating the winning door... The Grinch!
Be on the lookout for our next contest!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for December!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for November!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Victoria G!
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!

Our Winter Contest Has Begun!
Our team decorated doors in the office. Have you seen them?! They are so cute!!
Vote for your favorite door as you check out. We will then draw a name from the bowl of the winning door.
The contest ends December 23rd. Good luck!!
Quarterly Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to our birthday party winner!! We hope you had a blast playing football with friends!
Want to win a party for YOUR birthday?!
Enter your name in our birthday party box at the front desk for YOUR chance to win a birthday party sponsored by Smiles for Kids
Fall Contest Winner!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Fall Contest!
Our winner was Stiles! Congratulations!!
Be on the lookout for our next contest!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for October!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Riley J!
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for September!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Alexis L!
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Our Fall Contest Has Begun!
Starting September 26th through October 25th we are having our fall contest at Smiles For Kids. Count the fall leaves that are placed around the office. Whoever guesses the number or closest to the right number will win a fun prize.
Good luck to all the participants!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for August!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Orly G!
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Summer Contest Winner!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Summer Contest!
We enjoyed seeing all of your beautiful artwork. Congratulations to our winner Tess!
Be on the lookout for our next contest!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for July!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Harrison C!
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for June!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Alex C!
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Summer Contest!
Our summer contest has begun!! Come in and color our summer pages and put them on the beach backdrop. At the end of summer, we will pick one coloring page to be the winner of a special prize!
The contest ends August 7th! Good Luck!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for May!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Elyse G!
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Quarterly Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to our birthday party winner!! We hope you had a blast swimming with family and friends!
Want to win a party for YOUR birthday?! Enter your name in our birthday party box at the front desk for YOUR chance to win a birthday party sponsored by Smiles for Kids!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for April!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for March!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Quarterly Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to our birthday party winner!! We hope you had a blast at Wonderwild!
Want to win a party for YOUR birthday?! Enter your name in our birthday party box at the front desk for YOUR chance to win a birthday party sponsored by Smiles for Kids!
Our Easter Contest Has Begun!
Count the Easter eggs around the office. Whoever guesses the closest to the right number will win a special prize!
Contest ends March 31st! Good luck!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for February!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Valentine’s Day Contest Winner!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Valentine’s Day contest!
We enjoyed reading what all of our patients loved most! Congratulations to our winner Arya!
Be on the lookout for our next contest!
Cavity Free-Club Winner for January!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to…. Avery!
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Winter Contest Winner!
Thank you for everyone who participated in our winter contest! It was fun watching all of our patients vote on their favorite Christmas trees. We had a drawing of all the votes for the favorite tree and…..
Parker is our lucky winner!
Stayed tuned for our next contest!
Quarterly Birthday Party Winners!
Congratulations to our birthday party winners!! We hope you had a blast at Cosmic Air!
Want to win a party for YOUR birthday?!
Enter your name in our birthday party box at the front desk for YOUR chance to win a birthday party sponsored by Smiles for Kids!
December Cavity-Free Club Winner!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Our Winter Contest Has Begun!
All of these trees were decorated with love by our team members to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season. Vote for your favorite decorated Christmas tree during the month of December!!
Contest will end December 18th! Good luck!
November Cavity-Free Club Winner!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
October Cavity-Free Club Winner!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Our Halloween Contest Has Begun!
Come in and count the candy corns in the jar during the month of October!!
Whoever guesses the most right will win a surprise!
Contest will end Oct 31st! Good luck!
Quarterly Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to our birthday party winner!! We hope you had a blast!
Want to win a party for YOUR birthday?!
Enter your name in our birthday party box at the front desk for YOUR chance to win a birthday party sponsored by Smiles for Kids!
September Cavity-Free Club Winner!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
August Cavity-Free Club Winner!
Check out our drawing for the CAVITY-FREE CLUB monthly contest winner! Congrats to….
Brush, floss and drinks lots of water to keep the sugar bugs away. YOU could be our next winner!!!
Summer Contest Winner!
Thank you for everyone who participated in our summer contest by counting the beach balls hanging from the ceiling throughout the office! There were 25 beach balls total!
So many of you guessed the right amount, so we did a drawing, and….. Valentina is our lucky winner!
Stayed tuned for our Fall contest!
Quarterly Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to our birthday party winner!! We hope you had a blast!
Want to win a party for YOUR birthday?!
Enter your name in our birthday party box at the front desk for YOUR chance to win a birthday party sponsored by Smiles for Kids!
Our Summer Contest Has Begun!
Come in and count the beach balls hanging from the ceiling throughout our office!
Whoever guesses the most right will win a gift card to Target!
Contest will end at the end of summer. Stay tuned for an exact date! Good luck!
Our Spring Contest Has Begun!
Can you match our team members with their dream vacation?
Whoever guesses the most right will win a special prize!
Contest ends March 31st! Good luck!
Check out our new “Cavity Free Club”!
If your kiddo has no cavities at their check-up, then he or she gets to go up on our Cavity Free Club wall!
At the end of the month we will draw a name and the winner receives a fun, exciting price!!
We hope YOU get to join our Cavity Free Club! Good luck to all contestants!
Remember to brush twice a day, floss once a day, and visit your dentist twice a year for a check-up and cleaning!
Valentine’s Day Contest!
Our newest contest start today!! It’s all about Valentine’s Day!
Stop by the office and count all the hearts hanging around then give us your best guess of how many! The closest to the actual number will win a special prize!
The contest ends February 9th!
January Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
She named the little llama “Heartful Rojo” and got to take it home!
Congrats!! Check out our new contests going on in the office!
January Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for January!
This cute llama needs a new name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
Winter Contest Winner!
Thank you for everyone who participated in our decorated door contest!
Nolan’s name was the lucky winner out of the drawing!
Check out newest Valentine’s Day Contest!
December Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
She named the little tiger “Stonkywonko” and got to take it home!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for January!!
Good luck!
Winter Contest Has Begun!
Have you entered our winter contest yet?! Our team has decorated 4 awesome doors at the office. Stop by and choose your favorite! Whichever door has the most votes, we will then draw one lucky winner from that bowl of votes!
The contest ends Thursday, Dec 22nd!
November Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for November!
This cute tiger needs a new name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
Quarterly Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to September birthday party winner!! We hope you had a blast!
Want to win a party for YOUR birthday?!
Enter your name in our birthday party box at the front desk for YOUR chance to win a birthday party sponsored by Smiles for Kids!
Fall Contest Winner!
Thank you for everyone who participated in our pumpkin contest!
The dinosaur park was the winner.
Dr. Lindhorst, Mrs. Jamie, and Mrs. Ellie were the ones behind this masterpiece!
Our winner is Jack, be on the lookout for the call to come get your prize!
Fall Contest!
It’s time for our October Smiles For Kids office contest!! We made team pumpkins! Vote for your favorite.
Whichever pumpkin gets the most votes, we will then draw a name from that bowl of voters and they will get a SPOOKY PRIZE!
The contest ends Monday, October 31st! Good luck!!
October Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for October!
This cute llama needs a new name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
September Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
He named the little tiger “Tigey” and got to take it home!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for October!!
Good luck!
September Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for September!
This cute tiger needs a new name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to our birthday party winner!! We hope you had a blast at laser tag!
Enter your name in our birthday party box at the front desk for YOUR chance to win a birthday party sponsored by Smiles for Kids!
August Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for August!
This cute elephant needs a new name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
July Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
He named the little deer “Gold pup” and got to take it home!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for August!!
Good luck!
July Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for July!
This cute deer needs a new name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
June Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
She named the little duck “Quacky B” and got to take it home!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for July!!
Good luck!
Summer Contest!
Our summer contest has begun!! Match the pet (or plant) to the correct Smiles for Kids team member!
Whoever gets the most correct answers wins a special summer prize!!
The contest ends July 28th!! Good luck!!
June Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for June!
This cute birdie needs a new name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
Mother’s Day Contest Winner!
Thank you to all of our patients that participated in our Mother’s Day contest! This sweet girl and her brother wrote some very nice things about their mother! They were our contests winners!
Stay tuned for our summer contest!
May Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for May!
This cute warthog needs a new name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
Our Mother's Day Contest has begun!
Is your mom special? Do you want to let the world know?!
At your next visit make sure to put in your entry about what makes your mom the best mom for your chance to win her a gift card!
Contest ends May 10th!
April Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
He named the little mouse “Cookie 2.0” and got to take it home!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for May!!
Good luck!
April Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for April!
This cute little mouse needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to our quarterly birthday party winner!! We hope you had a blast rock climbing!!
Enter your name in our birthday party box at the front desk for YOUR chance to win a birthday party sponsored by Smiles for Kids!
March Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for March!!
This cute little dog needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
February Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
She named the critter “Chippy” and got to take it home!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for March!! Good luck!
Valentine’s Day Contest Winner!
We have a winner!! Congratulations! He guessed the closest number of heart candies in the jar!
Stay tuned for our next contest! Good luck!
Our Valentine’s Day Contest Has Begun!
Guess the number of heart candies in the jar and if your guess is the closest to the actual number then you WIN!
Contest starts February 2nd and ends on Monday, February 14th!!
Happy Valentine’s Day and good luck!
February Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for February!!
This cute little critter needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
January Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
She named the fish “Rainbow Squishy Fishy” and got to take it home!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for February!! Good luck!
Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to our birthday party winner!! We hope you had a blast at Mad Potter! Looks like fun!
Enter your name in our birthday party box for your chance to win a birthday party from Smiles for Kids!
January Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for January!!
This cute fish needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
December Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
Congrats to our adorable patient for winning our December contest!!
She named the zebra “Lola” and got to take her home!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for January!! Good luck!
Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to our birthday party winner!! We hope you had a blast!
Enter your name in our birthday party box for your chance to win a birthday party from Smiles for Kids!
December Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for December!!
This cute zebra needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
November Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
Congrats to our sweet patient for winning our November contest!!
She named the polar bear, Snowball! That’s a cute name for such a soft and cuddly animal.
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for December!! Good luck!
November Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for November!!
This cute baby polar bear needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
October Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
Congrats to our sweet patient for winning our October contest!!
He named the elephant, Marshmallow! That’s a cute name for such a soft and cuddly animal.
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for November!! Good luck!
Our Fall Contest Has Begun!
Our team decorated some pretty awesome pumpkins!! Now YOU get to vote for your favorite! Whichever pumpkin has the most votes, we will draw a name from that basket. Whoever the LUCKY winner is will get to take home the pumpkin they voted for and win a gift card!
Our contest ends on Monday, November 22nd! Good luck!
October Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for October!!
This cute baby elephant needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
September Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
Congrats to our awesome patient for winning our Septembers Contest!!
She named the polar bear, Icee! How clever!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for October!! Good luck!
September Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for September!!
This cute little bear needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
August Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
Congrats to our sweet patient for winning our August’s Contest!!
She named the teddy bear, Blackbeary! How smart and cute!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for September!! Good luck!
Summer Contest Winner!
We loved seeing all the beautiful artwork our patients have created this summer!! Next time you’re in the office, you just might see YOUR artwork on display!!
The winner of our summer contest was…
Stay tuned for our next contest!
August Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for August!!
This cute little teddy bear needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
July Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
Congrats to our awesome patient for winning our July’s Contest!!
He named the puppy dog, Madison!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for August!!
Good luck!
July Stuffed Animal Contest
It’s a new month and that means we’ve got a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for July!!
This cute little doggie from Lady And The Tramp needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
Our Summer Contest Has Begun!
We have 9 art slots around our Smiles for Kids lobby that need YOUR beautiful artwork! Draw us a picture of your summer vacation, summer plans, favorite vacation location, etc. Use your imagination so we can replace all of our art located around the lobby!
Our summer contest runs from June 1st to August 2nd.
We will VOTE for one picture at the end of summer to be the winner for an amazing prize! We can’t wait to see all the beautiful art created by our patients!
June Stuffed Animal Contest Winner!
Congrats to our sweet patient for winning our June’s Contest!! She named the lion, Popcorn! :)
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for July!!
Good luck!
June Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for June!
This cute little lion needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
May “Name This Stuffed Animal” Contest Winner!
Congrats to our adorable patient for winning our May’s Contest!! She named the panda bear, Fluffball! How cute!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for June!!
Good luck!
May Stuffed Animal Contest
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for May!
This cute panda bear needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
“Name This Stuffed Animal” Contest Winner!
Congrats to our adorable patient for winning our April’s Contest!! She named the giraffe, Sprinkles! How cute!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for May!!
Good luck!
Our April Contest has begun!
Hey everyone! Our Spring Contest has begun! Guess how many M&Ms are in the jar to win the basket of fun!
Whoever guesses the closest to the exact amount will win!
The contest ends April 29th!
Good luck!!
Name This Stuffed Animal Contest!
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for April!
This cute giraffe needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
Valentines Day Contest Winner!
Our awesome patient guessed the closest number of candies in the Valentines jar! She guessed 262 and the exact number was 272! Congratulations!!
Stay tuned for our next contest!
“Name This Stuffed Animal” Contest Winner!
We want to congratulate this young man for winning our "Name this Stuffed Animal" contest!! He named this cute little fish, "Fishy McFish".
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for April!!
Good luck!
Name This Stuffed Animal Contest!
We have a new “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for March!
This cute fishy needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
“Name This Stuffed Animal” Contest Winner!
Congrats to our adorable patient for winning our February’s Contest!! She named the zebra, Oreo! How cute!
Check out our new stuffed animal to name for March!!
Good luck!
Birthday Party Contest Winner!
Congratulations to our birthday party winner!! She had a fun 5th birthday party with awesome front yard signs!! What a special time celebrating with the family!
Enter your name in our birthday party box for your chance to win a birthday party from Smiles for Kids!
Valentines Day Contest!
Hey everyone! Our Valentines Day Contest has begun! Count the candies in the jar.
Whoever guesses the closest to the exact amount will win a special prize!
The contest ends Friday, February 12th!
Good luck!!
Name This Stuffed Animal!
Check out our newest animal to name for February.
This cute little zebra needs a name! Can you help us?
We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
“Name This Stuffed Animal” Contest Winner!
Congrats to our awesome patient Paige for winning our January’s Contest!! She named the teddy bear, “Bearoncey” like Beyonce! Haha!
We will have a new stuffed animal to name soon!! Good luck!
Name This Stuffed Animal!
We got lots of new stuffed animals in for the year and are so excited to present our January “Name This Stuffed Animal”.
This little teddy bear needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
“Name This Stuffed Toy” Contest Winner!
Congrats to our awesome patient for winning our December’s “Name this Stuffed Toy” contest!! She named the little red dinosaur, Christmastime! How perfect for the holidays!
We will have a new stuffed animal to name in January soon!! Good luck!
Winter Contest Winner!
Your votes have been tallied and the winning Christmas tree was…
We did a Facebook live drawing of all those who voted for the mermaid tree. Watch the video to find out who won! Congratulations!!
Stay tuned for our Spring contest so you can win something special!!
Name This Stuffed Animal!
Check out our “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for December.
This cute little smiling dinosaur needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Good luck!
“Name This Stuffed Toy” Contest Winner!
Congrats to our sweet patient for winning our November’s “Name this Stuffed Toy” contest!!
He named him Barley Chrown! Haha
We will have a new stuffed animal to name soon!! Good luck!
Our Winter Contest Has Begun!
Our team has worked so hard on decorating these beautiful and creative trees!
You can stop by and vote at your next appointment for your favorite or you can like, comment and share on Facebook & Instagram. Whichever pumpkin wins, then we will draw a name from those votes to win a special prize!!
Winner will be picked on December 18th! Good luck!
Name This Stuffed Toy!
Check out our “Name This Stuffed Toy” contest for this month.
It’s a cute little Charlie Brown!! But we think he needs a new name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!! Stop in to Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry before the end of November!
Fall Contest Winner!
Congratulations to our winner! She was the closest guess with 9 pounds without going over. The pumpkin weighed 13.2 pounds!
Stay tuned for our next contest!! In the meantime, check out our other fun things going on in the office!
“Name This Stuffed Animal” Contest Winner!
Congrats to our sweet patient for winning our October’s “Name this Stuffed Animal” contest!! He named him Teddey!
We will have a new stuffed animal to name soon!! Good luck!
Name This Stuffed Animal!
Check out our “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for October.
It’s a cute little puppy and he needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!!
Our Fall Contest Has Begun!
Can you guess how much the pumpkin weighs?!
Fill out a slip at the front desk with your name and guess for a chance to win a special prize!! The closest guess to the actual weight of the pumpkin wins!
The contest ends on October 29th and we will announce the winner the following week! Good luck!
“Name This Stuffed Animal” Contest Winner!
Congrats to our sweet patient for winning our August/September’s “Name the Stuffed Animal” contest!! She named him Digger the Doggy!
We will have a new stuffed animal to name soon!! Good luck!
Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to our birthday party winner!! She had a fun luau party filled with coconuts, blended smoothies, and all kinds of tropical fruits. She even had her favorite fresh strawberry cheesecake!! What a special time celebrating with the family!
Enter your name in our birthday party box for your chance to win a birthday party from Smiles for Kids!
Summer Contest Winner!
Congratulations to our winner!! He guessed exactly how many bouncy balls were in the jar and won a basket full of goodies!! How sweet it is that his twin brother was also excited for him to win!
Stay tuned for our Fall contest so you can win something special!!
Name This Stuffed Animal!
Check out our “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for this month.
It’s a cute little puppy and he needs a name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!! Stop in to Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry before the end of the month!
“Name This Stuffed Animal” Contest Winner!
Congrats to our awesome patient for winning March’s “Name the Stuffed Animal” contest!! She named him Dani the Dinosaur! We’re so excited you were able to pick him up at your check-up!!
We will have a new stuffed animal to name soon!! Good luck!
Birthday Party Winner!
Nothing beats quality time with family to celebrate your birthday! Happy Birthday from Smiles For Kids!
If you want a chance to win your next birthday party from us, drop your name in our birthday party box when you check in for your next appointment!
Our Summer Contest Has Begun!
We’re so excited that our new summer contest started today!!
Guess how many bouncy balls are in the jar. Be careful, there are some other toys hidden in the jar too.
The closest guess to the actual number of bouncy balls wins! The winner will be announced August 18th!
Birthday Party Winners!
Birthday parties this Spring turned out a little different than expected but nothing beats donuts, fun yard signs and quality time with family!!
Happy birthday to Claire & Colin who won a birthday party from Smiles for Kids!
Have a birthday coming up? Enter our birthday party drawing the next time you’re in our office.
Spring Contest!
Hey Smiles for Kids families! Get out your crayons, markers, Popsicle sticks, and other art supplies!! We want to see you create fun dental art while you’re home these next few weeks!! Take a picture of your art and post it on our Facebook page! When we return to our office on April 6th, we will pick a lucky winner!! Let’s see your creativity!
Valentine’s Day Contest Winner!
Our winner for the Valentine’s Day Contest was Miss Mia! She had one of the most endearing hearts full of things she loves. She stopped by the office to claim her goodie basket! Way to go Mia!!
Stay tuned for our next seasonal contest! You can also check out all of the other fun things going on in the office daily!!
Name This Stuffed Animal!
Check out our “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for this month.
It’s a cute little Charlie Brown!! But we think he needs a new name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!! Stop in to Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry before the end of the month!
January “Name This Stuffed Animal” Contest Winner!
Congrats to this sweet patient for winning this month’s “Name the Stuffed Animal” contest!! She got to take home “Cotton Ball”. We will have a new stuffed animal to name soon!! Good luck!
Valentines Day Contest!
Hey everyone! Our Valentines Day Contest has begun! Come get creative, color a heart, AND tell us who you love or what you love to do! On February 20th, our staff will pick one lucky heart to win a prize!
Good luck!!
Name This Stuffed Animal!
Check out our “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for this month.
It’s a cute little Snoopy dog!! But he needs a new name! Can you help us? We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!! Stop in to Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry before the end of the month!
Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to our January birthday party drawing winner! What kid doesn’t love a PIZZA party?!
Thank you for letting us help celebrate your birthday!
Drop your name in our birthday box when you check in for your next appointment and you could be our next birthday party drawing winner with Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry!
December “Name That Stuffed Animal” Contest Winner!
Our furry friend is now named Pengy and has a new home!
Congratulations to our winner of the “Name that Stuffed Animal Contest”! We love seeing our patients so excited, having fun with our contests and spreading smiles!! Come in for your next appointment and try your chance at winning one of our next contests! Good luck!
Birthday Party Winner!
Congratulations to our birthday party drawing winner! Who said you can’t have fun in the sun even in the winter time?! Congratulations!! Thank you for letting us help celebrate your birthday!
Drop your name in our birthday box when you check in for your next appointment and you could be our next birthday party drawing winner with Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry!
Name This Stuffed Animal!
Check out our “Name This Stuffed Animal” contest for this month.
It’s a cute little penguin!! But he has no name! Can you help us name him? Come in to Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry and name our cute penguin. We will choose our favorite name at the end of the month. If your name is chosen then you get to keep it!! Stop in before the end of the month.
Just a reminder!
When you come in for an appointment at Smiles For Kids Pediatric Dentistry, sign up for all our different reward programs:
- Seasonal Contest
- Movie tickets for the teenagers
- Stuffed animal contest for the young kids
- Birthday party drawing!
Parents, for you we have a pair of movie tickets if you refer a patient to our office. You also are then entered in our referral drawing for a monthly gift card to a restaurant.
We love rewarding our patients and their families! Thank YOU for supporting Smiles for Kids!
Birthday Party Contest Winner!
If you know us we LOVE to celebrate birthdays!! We love it so much, we have a birthday party contest every couple of months for our patients! If we select you in the drawing, then you win a birthday party on us. Our most recent winner had a blast at Urban Air Park!
Do you want to be our next winner? Drop your name in the birthday contest box at our front desk!!
Winter Contest
The Christmas season is here and our Winter contest started!
When you come in for your next appointment, count how many candy canes are hanging from the ceiling! Whoever guesses the closest to the right amount will win a big prize!!
The contest ends December 18th! We will announce our winner soon after. Good luck!
Summer Contest
Our summer contest is here!!! We are having our patients match our staff’s baby pictures to our adult pictures! Harder than you think, but also worth the big prize at the end. What will you look at to match them up? Smiles? Noses? Eyes?
Stop by and enter your guesses! We will be announcing the winner at the end of August!
Easter Contest
This month we’re having the kiddos go around the office and counting how many bunnies we have hidden throughout. Stop by and submit your answer for a chance to win a FUN prize!
February Contest
Check out our Valentines Day contest! We had the kids count and guess how many hearts were in the jar.
Thanksgiving Contest
Our Fall contest is happening! Come in and write what you are thankful for on a leaf and we will hang it up in the office! "Thankful Winner" will be chosen on Wednesday, November 21!
Halloween Contest!
Guess how much the pumpkin weighs for a chance to win a Halloween surprise! Good luck!
Summer Contest Winner!
We are excited to announce our Summer Contest Winner! Look at this great vacation picture she drew for us! Thalia loved her back to school basket.
Smiles For Kids Pediatric Dentistry Team wants to congratulate the Big Winner! Be sure to participate in our contests for a chance to win!
Summer Contest!
School is over! Our Summer contest starts TODAY! Come visit us and draw your favorite vacation scene to win our big prize!
May Birthday Party Winner!
We love throwing Birthday Parties for our awesome patients! Looks like this sweet girl had a fun one!
"Everything was so fun for her- she had an absolute blast! Thank you to Smiles For Kids Pediatric Dentistry for all you did! We are grateful & the party was enjoyed by all. Thank you again for making Annalee’s 6th birthday so special!"
Birthday Party Winner!
Main Event Birthday Party sponsored by Smiles For Kids Pediatric Dentistry for our awesome twins. Happy Birthday ladies!!! We hope you had a blast! Did you know that we pick a birthday party winner every other month? Put your name in the Birthday Box on your next visit!
Easter Contest
Our Easter egg contest is here!!! We have lots of eggs hanging around the office and you have to count how many there are! Winner will be announced March 29th! Come by and make your guess! Good luck to all!
Valentine's Day Contest
Our first contest of the new year is here! Kids have to color a heart for Valentine’s Day for a chance to win a super cool prize! Winner will be chosen on February 9th! Good luck!
Holiday Contest
Looks like Santa visited our office and left behind some candy canes! Come figure out how many he left behind to win an awesome prize! Contest starts on December 5th and ends on December 20th. We are excited to see all our patients.
Our Summer Contest is here!
We brought a little sunshine into the office with a jar of ORANGE items! Next time you are here be sure to take a guess at how many orange items Ms. Brittany managed to fit in the jar and get a chance to win a super awesome summer prize! GOOD LUCK!
Winner will be announced END of AUGUST!
Birthday Party Drawings
Happening every other month!
Every other month we do a birthday party drawing, where one lucky patient has his/her birthday sponsored by Smiles for Kids. The birthday sponsorship includes a party for 20 of their closest friends and family.
Stuffed Animal Contest
Happening every month!
Submit a name for the stuffed animal on our shelf in the waiting area and have the chance to win the animal! We'll select our favorite entry and award a winner each month.
Movie Ticket Drawing
Happening every month!
Every month will will draw a teenage winner for a pair of movie tickets! Find out more at your next appointment at the office..
Referring Parents Win Too!
We love referrals and parents!
Each referring parent gets 2 movie tickets and is entered in a dinner gift card drawing every other month. Please mention us to all of those you think could benefit from a great pediatric dentist.
“Everyone at this office is just so kind. So sweet with the kids, understanding of the parents, and very patient. We love having this office around the corner from us!”