October Is National Dental Hygiene Month!

This month is about promoting healthy mouths and healthy smiles! No one likes a dirty mouth, especially your own. And I bet you’ve noticed your breath more with all this mask wearing! A healthy mouth starts with a good oral hygiene routine in your own home. Here are some tips for starting a healthy routine for your family:

1) Brush twice a day for TWO minutes - Brushing removes the icky biofilm of bacteria on your teeth and tongue. This keeps the mouth clean and also helps with fresh breath because plaque and tartar carry a stinky smell! Using fluoride toothpaste with brushing helps to strengthen the enamel and fight cavities! So brush for two minutes twice a day in a gentle, circular motion at a 45-degree angle to brush the yucky away! AND, don’t forget the tongue!

2) Floss everyday - Did you know that if you don’t floss, then you’re missing cleaning 40% of the surfaces of your teeth? The teeth are usually tight and touching together, and may even be crowded so food gets trapped in this places in between the teeth. Our toothbrush bristles are too thick to reach in those tight contacts. That’s why flossing is so important! Use the floss up and down in between each tooth to clean. If you don’t, food and sugars may linger there causing cavities in between the teeth where you can’t see with yours eyes!

3) Rinse with mouthwash - Mouthwash prevents buildup of plaque, kills and reduces bacteria in the mouth, strengthens tooth enamel, promotes healthy gums, and helps freshen breath! Choose an antimicrobial, anti-cavity fluoride mouth rinse. If you don’t like the “sting” or “burn” of some mouth rinses, then it’s okay to choose an alcohol-free rinse!

We love our dental hygienists, Jamie and Stefanie! They do an amazing job taking care of all of our patients. This month we also celebrate them for keeping our mouths happy and healthy!

Make sure to schedule your next dental appointment and come visit us soon. It is recommended to see your dentist and dental hygienist every 6 months for a professional dental cleaning. We can provide tips on how to improve your oral hygiene routine at home, areas to focus on, tools to take home such as flossers that work around braces or new soft-bristled toothbrushes appropriate for your age and mouth size, etc.

Give us a call at 713-461-1509 to schedule your next appointment!