The Itero Scanner!

I don’t think anybody really likes those ooey-gooey, messy molds dentists take of your teeth for crowns, appliances, retainers, mouth guards, Invisalign, etc. Great news is we don’t have to use those anymore! We use a digital scanner called an iTero Intraoral Scanner that takes thousands of photos of your teeth (6,000 per second to be exact) and turns it into a 3D digital model! We can scan the entire mouth with our “magic wand” in just a few short minutes. That’s fast! The scanner takes only photos so no radiation is involved in the process and the scan is completely painless and atraumatic. After the scan is completed, we virtually send it to our dental lab with just the click of a button.

The intraoral scanner is a game changer for fearful children or those with strong gag reflexes. You can take breaks any time during the scan and then pick up where you left of without having to start all over again. Children get excited to see their own teeth on the screen and watch them “magically” appear in live action!

As with the other tools and technology in our office, the intraoral scanner helps to make your appointments as easy and convenient as possible!