"Aren't They Just Baby Teeth?"


We hear this question quite often! We hear it from parents when discussing oral hygiene habits, diet and cavity-preventing recommendations, and when discussing cavities or infection. So why do we care so much about baby teeth at Smiles For Kids? Keep reading!

We’re aware that baby teeth will eventually be replaced by permanent teeth. We work very hard on guarding them for the necessary period of time and you will often hear our doctors discuss how to prevent dental decay and control it as opposed to just doing dental treatment. Yet, you have to remember few facts about the baby teeth and why treatment may be necessary:

*Most baby teeth complete coming in around 2-3 years old, and most of the baby teeth are not lost until the child is between 10-12 years old. That’s 10 years those teeth are needed to talk, smile, chew, and serve as a placeholder for the permanent adult teeth!


*If a tooth is lost too early before it’s time for the adult tooth to come in, then the adjacent teeth may tilt or drift into the space causing space-loss and crowding, not leaving enough room for the adult tooth to come in. This loss of space compromises proper jaw growth and development, bone formation, and can cause major orthodontic problems which often require complicated or unnecessary orthodontics. When teeth are crooked and crowded, they are also harder to clean and may lead to cavities or gum disease down the road.

*Baby teeth help with chewing and proper nutrition. It is hard for kids to consume and break down food appropriately with large spaces in the back of the mouth, and not enough teeth to chew with.


*The front baby teeth not only serve a very esthetic function, but are also important in development of speech. With missing front teeth or large spaces in the child’s bite caused by pacifier and finger sucking habits, then speech issues can occur. There are lots of tips and tools we can use to help children stop these habits so they don’t push on the teeth causing growth and proper arch development issues. Luckily the front baby teeth are the first to be replaced at about 7 years old, so we may delay treatment on these teeth or only treat or extract them in severe cases of decay or infection. Every child is unique, so the doctor will discuss all of your options with you.


*Baby teeth with large cavities will get infections! Dental infections are painful and dangerous. Any infection in the head and neck area is an emergency situation, because children can end up in the hospital on IV antibiotics to control dental infections and facial or neck swelling. The head and neck have a lot of very important structures like the brain, nerves, blood vessels and the airway that we don’t want to harm! Treatment for a dental infection is also difficult because pain can be hard to manage in an infected area. Pain often keeps kids and parents up all night and makes for a very unpleasant reminder of why we should take care of those baby teeth!


*Baby teeth have different structure than permanent teeth and their thin enamel can easily be attacked and penetrated by bacteria therefore they need more diligent preventative dental care. "Fixing" baby teeth is not a small affair! Although the restorations are fairly simple to do comparing to permanent teeth, the teeth are smaller, more prone to recurrence of decay, and kids are young and often not cooperative for restorative appointments.

So in conclusion, we would like to remind you to take great care of ALL those pearly whites. Please remember that as much as dental decay is multifactorial, we can control oral hygiene and diet such as NOT going to bed with milk, AVOIDING sweet drinks (i.e. juices, sodas and sports drinks like Gatorade), and AVOIDING sticky snacks or gummies (i.e. candy, caramel, taffy, bubble gum, gummies, dried fruit, fruit roll-ups, gold fish, crackers, and cookies). Let’s give those baby teeth a chance to live out all 12 years of their life in good health and prosperity!

Back-To-School Tips For Packing Your Child’s Lunch!


We know that school has just started and that means early mornings, getting all the kids out of the house with clothes and shoes one, teeth brushed, homework packed, matching shoes, and on time before that bell deems them tardy. We know that dinner time is crazy trying to come up with healthy foods for our kids somehow squeezed in-between tutors, music lessons, homework time, and sports. And we also know that after our precious babies are finally in bed, parents still have laundry, dishes, and those LUNCHES to pack! Oh how easy it is to reach for prepackaged foods full of sugar and completely lacking in nutrition! Marketing companies make it so easy to pick those up from eye level grocery store shelves… So here we, your Heights Pedo/Ortho team, are ready to rescue you by giving you some quick tips on making it easier on yourselves.

Let us start with discussing lunch boxes as those can really make a difference in packing lunches for our kids. Our favorites are ones that have compartments that make is easy to pack just the right amount and just the right variety. Personal favorite? PlanetBox Rover stainless steel lunch box. It comes with a sandwich size compartment that also fits a bowl for soups or salads, few other compartments made just right for fruit, veggies, or the right amount of chips or pretzels. It also has a tiny middle spot perfect for a treat and another small container where you can pack yogurt, apple sauce or salad dressing! These lunch boxes have customizable magnets for decoration, caring case, and a matching bottle! And they are machine washable. No, we are not selling those and we are not getting any royalties from advertising them, but we do love them :) Many other companies make lunch boxes that are similar though so pick one up and then start prepping.

Yes Pinterest has all these photos of smiley faced sandwiches and custom cut fruit that look like animals. You might be one of those crafty parents, in which case you should post on Pinterest and we will follow!

But most of us aren’t quite that skilled…

Lunch needs to be healthy, easy to make, and nutritious. Here are our suggestions:

  1. The biggest compartment needs to be filled with the main meal. Sandwich with peanut butter, ham and cheese, or anything else your kids love is a good choice. Try to pick non-white bread to make it a bit more healthy. You can also pack a salad, pasta, meatballs, chicken, etc into that larger compartment. Simple wraps made with tortillas are also great ideas kids love. You can make enough pasta to last the whole week. You can make few sandwiches at a time and store in your fridge. The main meal should be an easy pick and pack on daily basis instead of making something new every day.

  2. One of the smaller compartments can fit fruit and/or veggies. For fruit we suggest anything that can easily be sliced at the beginning of the week or fits into the box without cutting up. Apples, oranges, berries, grapes, or kiwis are all great and can be cut up on Sunday night and distributed daily. Best veggies are the ones that your kids will eat. We find that kids like carrots, celery, broccoli, peas in a pod, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers. Have them all ready for easy “throw in” at the beginning of the week.

  3. Second smaller compartment can be used for a healthy carb such as pretzels, healthier version of chips or crackers. Kids like crunchy snacks in addition to their main meal and fruit and veggies.

  4. Granola or nut mixes are also great to fill in one of the lunch box spots. If you choose to pack granola bars, read labels as they are often filled with empty calories and sugar. However, there are many great alternatives on the market now, so do your research before and buy in bulk.

  5. Last but not least…. TREAT! The smallest compartment should be the one filled with a treat. Try to stay away from anything that is sticky, gooey or filled with chemicals. But a piece of chocolate, small cookie, chocolate or yogurt dipped pretzels, never hurt anyone and your kids will look forward to those little treats!

  6. SNACKS-these might not fit in a lunch box, but your kids will appreciate something to snack on throughout the day. There are plenty of healthy and non-sugar filled yogurts, apple sauces, puddings, fresh fruit such as apples and bananas, and other packaged foods that can be added to the packet of the lunch box case that will make your kids happy.

  7. DRINKS-we have only one word… WATER. A carton of milk at lunch time is perfectly healthy, but otherwise they need nothing but water to drink throughout the day. And lots of it! Encourage them to make sure that they stay hydrated. Flavored waters without sugar or sodium can be a once a day treat as well.

We sure do hope that this helps guide your on your daily lunch box quest! Remember, the less cutting, slicing, and spreading you can do daily, the less you will despise lunch making hour! And if we have to summarize it in one sentence here it is:


June Employee of the Month!


Our team is having a blast seeing all of our patients this summer!! Everyone is working hard everyday and we like to reward one special employee every month for their awesome team work!! Our June Employee of the Month is...


Our team said, “She is a good team player, helps when needed, is great at both helping with hygiene and during treatment with the doctor!”

Congratulations Jessica! Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry is so lucky to have you!

Canker Sores vs. Cold Sores - what’s the difference?


Canker sores (or called apthous ulcers) are a shallow lesion that develops inside the mouth on soft tissues, such as the cheeks, below the gums, inside of the lip, under the tongue or on the tongue. They look like a small white or yellow circle with a red border. They can burn or cause discomfort when you eat, drink or even when you brush your teeth. Canker sores do not occur on the outer surface of the lips and are NOT contagious. They are quite common and the exact cause is unknown, but they are not known to be a viral nor a bacterial infection. Possible triggers are:

  • stress,

  • acidic foods,

  • trauma such as biting the cheek, sports injury or brushing too hard,

  • ingredients in mouth products such as sodium lauryl sulfate,

  • diet lacking in vitamin B12, zinc, folate (folic acid) or iron,

  • hormonal shifts during menstruation

Most of the ulcers resolve on their own in 2 weeks. Applying a topical numbing gel can help with discomfort for children that are old enough for it. It is recommended to avoid spicy or acidic foods while the healing is in progress. Use a soft bristled toothbrush when brushing the teeth twice daily. Avoid toothpastes and mouth rinses that contain sodium lauryl sulfate.


Cold sores (or called fever blisters), however, usually appear outside the mouth on or around the lip. They usually look like a cluster of blisters, and they can eventually burst, causing oozing and crusting. Cold sores result directly from the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). This virus is dormant until triggered, which is when you might experience a tingling or burning sensation in your mouth and the development of a sore. Several factors can trigger the recurrence of a cold sore:

  • Stress

  • Other viral infections

  • Fatigue

  • Exposure to sun or wind

  • Hormonal changes

  • Fever

Cold sores usually heal on their own but may take up to 2-4 weeks. Because cold sores are caused by HSV-1, they may be treated with an antiviral topical, blister treatment or oral medications if they do not heal on their own. The virus itself cannot be cured. The American Academy of Dermatology strongly encourages the use of sunscreen during an outbreak, as sun exposure can affect the healing of the sore. Unlike canker sores, cold sores ARE contagious and can spread easily, so to prevent spreading the virus, you should not share utensils or any other items that touch the mouth, and avoid kissing.

Dr. Lindhorst and Dr. Theriot are happy to address any questions or concerns. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call at (713)461-1509.

Our Summer Contest Has Begun!


We have 9 art slots around our Smiles for Kids lobby that need YOUR beautiful artwork! Draw us a picture of your summer vacation, summer plans, favorite vacation location, etc. Use your imagination so we can replace all of our art located around the lobby!

Our summer contest runs from June 1st to August 2nd.

We will VOTE for one picture at the end of summer to be the winner for an amazing prize! We can’t wait to see all the beautiful art created by our patients!

May Employee of the Month!

Summer is here!! We’re so excited to announce our May Employee of the Month and it’s one of our welcoming front desk ladies...


Our team said about her, “Sara is always willing to help and tries to do her best in all situations,” and “Sara is a hard worker and creative!”

Congratulations Sara! We’re so lucky to have you on our team at Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry!


What to do if your child bites their lip after a dental procedure


For a dental procedure, we may use local anesthesia in order to numb a tooth (or teeth) in order to keep your child pain-free during treatment. Depending on the type of local anesthesia, the numbness can linger for a few hours while its wearing off. It can be difficult for a child to know, or even feel, if they are biting, scratching or picking at their lip, tongue or inside of their cheek. It’s a feeling they may not have experienced before. A lip bite can cause swelling, bleeding or ulceration and can be confused with an allergic reaction or infection. These usually heal quickly (without antibiotics) but can take up to a week or so. At Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry, we offer OraVerse (a local anesthetic reversing agent) which helps reduce the amount of time the patient is numb significantly.

During the COVID-19 pandemic when everyone, including children, are wearing masks, it can be hard for parents to monitor or know if they are doing it under the mask. Please remind your child not to bite or chew on their lip while it feels numb. If your child does accidentally bite themselves, here’s what you can do:

  • Apply ice packs for first 3 days. Ice packs should be placed for 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off, for 1 hour, 3 times a day.

  • Give your child over-the-counter Tylenol or Motrin (as directed per manufacturer’s label) for pain.

  • Keep the area clean and maintain good oral hygiene.

  • Avoid anything that might irritate the would such as spicy foods, citrus juices or tomato-based foods.

  • Can rinse with salt water two times a day for 3 days.

  • Apply over-the-counter topical numbing ointments (as directed per manufacturer’s label), but be careful about the child again accidentally traumatizing the area with additional numbing.

If the wound does not heal within a week, or the child has significant bleeding that cannot be controlled, call us at 713-461-1509. Dr. Lindhorst or Dr. Theriot will take a look and let you know if your child needs any further intervention.